Current Book Loves


From the bottom: BHG – I’ve posted extensively on the blog about my love of this book. When I was in California I found this pristine, early 90’s edition for $1.75. I’ve made waffles and sourdough starter and bread from it.

Happy Chaos by Punky Brewster – This jewel was sparkling at me from an end cap at a different thrift store in California. It was $2.99 and I love it SO much! Soleil rocks parenting and life in general.

Si-Cology 1 – Borrowed from my neighbor…what can I about Si, he’s perfect!

One Summer – By a NY Times best selling author I don’t know but it was in the bargain bin at Wally World late last night when I picked up my kitchen bug zapper. I will not tolerate even one fly in my home…they are the plague of summer.

*If you need reconnect time with your preteen daughter, late night trips to Walmart are awesome! Last night was one of those summer nights I would have slept outside if we had a trampoline. Beautiful evening!

Word building flash cards I bought last night for J-Bug. I totally thought they’d be over $5 but were under $3. She loves them.

Good day and happy reading and book buying/borrowing!

Finally, a Sippy I Can Live With!

I have a lot of peaceful time on my hands today, lol! My little ones always seem to be jealous of the big kids so all is quiet. Lots of blogging time with Paigey back in school. Miss Jenna likes having Mommy to herself, Paige was exactly this way when she was two, randomly kicking her brother during summer break, kids!

Here are the best sippy cups! If you had kids or grandbabies in the mid 90’s most likely you had Playtex Spill Proof cups, these are very similar.


I purchased Jenna’s at Dollar General(the Dollar Store as we call it)for $3, they have Spongebob and Dora designs, other stores may have a wider variety. We love them! Set the valve to, “slow,” for virtually no spillage!

Nothing Eludes Me Quite Like a Nap

Miss Princess Jenna is enjoying time at her Dad’s again and as always my exhausted brain will not shut off to enjoy a nap. When I can I don’t and when I can’t there’s nothing I want more. My Mom’s friend used to babysit me from time to time when I was little, all of her other babysit-ees would happily oblige at naptime, I’d always be like, “Yeah, right lady, not happening!” Thank Heavens Jenna is a champion napper, my older two not so much. Although, both of them came home from Kindergarten and crashed on the couch until the next morning, several times, one of the most astounding things I had ever witnessed, Cody in August of 2000, Paige in August 2007.

Those two were my co-sleepers, something I always thought I’d do until I didn’t with Jenna. Her independent sleep habits are an amazing blessing. From the time she was a tiny baby I could put her in her bed, walk away and that was that. When she was three months old I took her pacifier, she never missed it. We become creatures of habit but I’m certainly glad I’m not afraid of a change in routine because the third time around at parenthood has been a breeze due to my ability to grow and evolve instead of thinking each child should have a cookie cutter upbringing. Not that I am against co-sleeping but I would recommend all parents give the traditional route a try but one thing that I can’t seem to change is my ability to nap!

-Parents don’t make mistakes because they don’t care, but because they care so deeply.

T. Berry Brazelton

Mommying is a Full Time Job

I’ve encountered several people in my life who, when angered by jealousy or perhaps some other lack in their life throw the fact that I don’t, “work,” in my face. According to this article being the full time mother of three, beginning in 1995 and on going full time until Jenna graduates in 2030, qualifies as a job and an important one.

There are those that might look at my career as a mommy and think, wow, she has it easy but I don’t take my job for granted. Jenna is not yet 22 months old and she knows her ABC’s and can count to 10 and identify these elements without being prompted. When she is through eating she immediately places(tosses due to her small size)her dish, bowl and utensils in the sink.

Paige has never missed being on the honor roll. She is a straight A student. Our lives haven’t been easy, we’ve encountered a rocky road here and there but her grades are good, she takes wonderful care of herself, even though she’s in the preteen stage, she’s very mature and grounded in her priorities. I have myself to thank, even though we butt heads at times she knows I always want the best for her, keeping a preteen in a well balanced place with a good attitude is a mega job in itself.

My son, Cody was an only child for nearly 7 years, I made sure all his schoolwork ducks were in a row, I wanted him to have every opportunity that was available to him. Circumstances messed things up and for the last several years of his schooling I was unavailable on a daily basis. That has hurt my son greatly in many ways. I will never regret choosing to be a full time mommy, not because it’s easy and I get to sit on my butt eating bon bons(really, what is a bon bon?)it’s the fact that I know what my child is doing during the day, she’s learning, she’s sparkling clean, well fed, read to, nurtured. In less than 4 years when she leaves me for the big K maybe I’ll consider actually, “working,” then I’ll have to figure out who will wash the clothes, the dishes…hmmm seems I might actually be dually employed right now, no wonder I need a nap!

“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. ”
― Fred Rogers