Enchilada Cheese Sauce

I made this recipe up yesterday, while making a throw together, small batch of enchiladas. It’s a basic bechamel cheese sauce with the volume turned up. Use it for filling and or topping enchiladas or as a nacho dip.

(Always use your own judgement and taste, recipe tweaking is perfectly accepted and encouraged here.)

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup all purpose flour

1/2 cup enchilada sauce

1 1/2 cups whole milk

1 cup sharp cheddar cheese

Melt butter add flour, cooking for about a minute, add the sauce before the milk, then the cheese. Reduce by about a third on medium low heat. Be cautious with the cheese, adding too much can make the sauce separate and become oily. If you want an extra cheesy sauce add American Cheese or other less oily cheese along with the cheddar.


You Get a Roadmap…



…when you are born, it’s just invisible.

Paige was born right after Thanksgiving twelve years ago. One of the first movies I watched while nursing my sweet newborn was National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I bawled and bawled and bawled some more. I probably even bawled when the shitter was full.

In one of the first scenes, Clark opens the advent calendar to Jenna’s Birthday, I mean of all thirty one days…December 14th!!!

God gives us a roadmap.

Humor Like No Other

Several days ago my favorite children’s author, Barbara Park passed away from Ovarian Cancer. She will be sadly missed and it’s awful to think of the pain she had to endure but if her humor in real life was anything like Junie B.’s she probably coped pretty well.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bursted out laughing while reading a JBJ book, the smart Alec-y humor and quick wit is second to none. She really put herself in the shoes of a small child when writing these books. Not many could do that so authentically.

At the Scholastic Book Fair last night I treated myself to this…


Complete with a fancy smancy built in bookmark! When I saw it on the shelf I grabbed it up speedy fast 😉

Conversations with Jenna

(me, in the shower), (Jenna, in her room) –

Me: “Are you still there?”

J:  “Yayce(yes)”

1 minute later…

Me: “Are you still there?”

J:   “Yay Mom.”

1 minute later…

Me: “Are you still there?”

J:   “Yeah, Mom”

1 minute later…

Me: “Are you still there?”

J:   “Yeah.”

Oh the freedom and joys of her upcoming third calendar year of life!
