My Lil Guinea Pig

I’m the mother of a son and two daughters, 21, 14 and 4. It’s been a dream of mine to homeschool and Jenna, who turns 5 in December will be unschooled at home. 

Ever so thankful that the same group of teachers who were mean to my son sixteen years ago infuriated me this summer to prompt my decision. I will be forever grateful.

Alex Spin Art Spinner was an awesome purchase! Jenna loves it and I have a list in my head of cheap refill ideas.

Stack the States Apple App Store App has single handedly taught Jenna every state in the nation, a lot of capitals and landmarks. Stack the States 2 and Stack the Countries are also amazing apps.

We are very much,  in to the “unschool,” approach. Children are capable of teaching themselves if they have an interested, caring adult to give them ideas. It’s a beautiful concept with many roads and paths. My only sadness is that my older two missed out on this kind of learning. Fear of not giving children cookie cutter educations is no longer something that enters my mind.